Suns of Lord of the Rings

Suns of Wiraqocha Recover the suns that were hidden in the different worlds!

Suns of Wiraqocha is our first video game designed under the pixel art standard at Netdreams. Based on the legends and myths of the great kingdom of South America: the Incas (Inkas) and the predecessor culture: the Tiahuanaco. Cultures that were located in present-day Peru and Bolivia.

The game represents the eternal struggle between light and darkness that exists in all cultures, a struggle that in the world of the Incas and Tiahuanacos took place near Lake Titicaca, creating the famous Puerta del Sol that can be seen today. . Antigarummy app downloads legends say that when man appeared on Earth, our planet was still a cold and dark place and the forces of light and darkness were in constant conflict.

One day, the great God Wiraqocha appeared in the Andes and illuminated the heavens with sunlight. In the region of Tiwanaku (or Tiahuanaco), La Gran Puerta del Sol was created, a dimensional portal that the inhabitants used as a place of veneration when the first rays of light that the god Wiraqocha offered to the world arrived.

The champion of light is the great God Wiraqocha (Wiracocha) and his supporting lesser gods called Auquis. Wiraqocha (or Wiracocha) and his Auquis protect the sunlight, as it gives life and drives away the evil spirits of the night. The Auquis, which humans often saw on Earth, were represented in a variety of ways. In the Nazca astronomical calendar, known as the Nazca Lines, this great astral calendar of southern Peru, we find these Auquis represented. In Suns of Wiraqocha you can play with some of these Auquis such as the monkey, the spider or the hummingbird. To play with all of the Auquis, you will need to unlock them by watching a video.

Darkness was the territory of the great gods Yanañamca and Tutañamca, lords of darkness and night, as they were known in ancient Inca legends. These great gods are the enemies of Wiraqocha not only on Earth but throughout our multiverse and their struggle has cosmic dimensions.

However, in the heavens there is still a great rivalry between light and darkness. For this reason, the God Wiraqocha had to go to other dimensions to maintain the victorious light. The evil gods Yanañamca and Tutañamca, great enemies of Wiracocha, took the opportunity to take revenge by stealing the suns of the Milky Way. Both stole all the suns in our galaxy, leaving our world, Earth, in deep darkness, and releasing many demons that took the form of animals: they took the form of Puma, the big cat of the Andes that is characterized by its strength, and the great serpent Amaru, the anaconda of the Andes. These demons were released onto Earth and other living worlds to prevent neither the locals nor the Auquis from reclaiming the suns.

Protect the suns!

The darkness was infinite and men prayed to the Great God Wiraqocha for help, hoping that he would not let life on earth disappear. Wiraqocha, or Wiracocha, had mercy on men and sent his Auquis, the little gods who took the form of animals and helped the Great God Wiracocha in his work. They were represented by men as: the monkey, the hummingbird and the spider. The Great God Wiraqocha sent them on a mission to rescue the stolen suns to prevent life from disappearing on Earth and the other worlds that could be accessed through the Great Sun Gate.

When you recover the lost soles, you will see how the great Puerta del Sol will light up again. And legend says that when you finish freeing all the suns, the great God Wiraqocha will return to the Andes and stop a new darkness from withering life on Earth.

Now, your mission will be to choose one of the Auquis and recover the suns that were hidden in the different worlds.

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